Thursday, 10 November 2011

NPNT # 3

Well better late than never. Another busy week which means everything piles up at home but it also means that I get to stitch during my lunch breaks. Here is what I have finished this week.

"Tea Party" and the saying on the back of this reads "You're my cup of tea. May your days be steeped with joy and warmed with love."
Don't all the little cakes, slices and sandwiches look just good enough to eat?

The other design I stitched was "Roses" and the saying for this one is "May your life be full and complete like the blooming of a rose".
This is about as close as I will get to a bunch of roses unless I buy them for myself. Thankfully the house we have moved into has at least 20 rose bushes in the garden all different colours. I will have to borrow my daughter's camera again so that I can show you some pictures.

Talk again soon,


Sunday, 6 November 2011

A finish for Jonathan

When I was rummaging through my stash this week I found a Charles Craft baby bib and decided to make a little gift for my new nephew Jonathan.
I got the patterns for the alphabet and hearts here. I started stitching it on Friday at work during my lunch break and finished it yesterday. I put some red and white star print on the back to cover my stitching and gave it to him last night to welcome him home.
I also gave him this card which I made in a class a while ago. It is also in a bib shape so I thought that was appropriate. It is hard to see in this photo but there is white ric rac around the edge of the card and across the top of the "pocket".
And here is a picture of my son William holding his little cousin. He is so happy to have a new friend to play with in the future.

Well I better get back to my NPNT stitching, a birthday present for my other nephew, a birthday present for my ex-Mother-in-law, a year 10 graduation dress for my daughter, and Christmas presents for everyone......fa la la la la.

Talk again soon


Thursday, 3 November 2011

NPNT # 2

Hello all

I am sorry I have been a bit remiss in my posting. Another week has flown by. I have been busy stitching though and here is what I have done for my "Nice People, Nice Things" stitch-a-long.

The first is "Shoes" and the stitchery saying to go on the back reads "If the shoe it in every colour". I usually stitch at work during my lunch break and one of the ladies said that she would love to put this saying into action.
The second block I worked on was "Ladybugs". I found this one a bit trickier and you can see that I incorporated some satin stitch as well. The saying for the back of this one reads "With a butterfly kiss and a lady bug hug sleep tight little ones like a bug in a rug'. Isn't it just too cute.
Sorry about the shadow over the photos. I just couldn't stop my arm or camera from casting one.

I need to get a bit more stitching done before bed so I better go.

Talk again soon
